LipidMatch Suite

LipidMatch Suite covers all steps of the lipidomics workflow including file-conversion, peak picking, blank filtering, annotation, scoring, homologous series detection, combining positive and negative polarity, basic statistics, and interactive visualization of the results. A modular version is also available for integration into your own workflow. Development of the software is supported by multiple academic, government, and industry users and developers, and we are excited for you to try our software!

Above is a small example of the new LipidMatch Visualizer, included in LipidMatch Suite 4.0. While several software have been developed for the annotation of lipids, confident assignment of structure often still requires expert review of the data. To aid this process we present a visualization tool developed in Microsoft PowerBI to provide interactive visualizations including Kendrick mass defect plots, retention time versus accurate mass plots, MS/MS fragmentation spectra, EIC visualization, annotated MS1 spectra, and tables of annotations and meta-data. Furthermore statistics are included: violin plots, volcano plots, heatmaps, and PCA analysis. All plots are cross-referenced, meaning that by selecting a feature (retention time and mass-to-charge pair), all other plots now highlight that feature.

Free software is great! But integrating and developing an entire lipidomics workflow which best uses your resources and team's expertise is not easy. How can you best make use of the technologies available and comprehensively and accurately report lipid values in your lab or to your customers? Contact us for our range of services and to speak to an expert, see if we have the training or services to take your research to the next level.

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