LipidMatch – Modular, annotates a feature table

Integrate a powerful lipidomics annotation tool into your own lipidomics workflow. LipidMatch can be used to annotate lipids detected using LC-HRMS/MS targeted, data-dependent and data-independent experiments using various vendor formats. LipidMatch can also be employed for direct infusion and imaging HRMS/MS experiments. Users can annotate lipids in feature tables generated by their optimized peak picking and filtering strategies. LipidMatch in-silico fragmentation libraries contain over 250,000 lipid species across more than 50 lipid types and continue to grow.

Free software is great! But integrating and developing an entire lipidomics workflow which best uses your resources and team's expertise is not easy. How can you best make use of the technologies available and comprehensively and accurately report lipid values in your lab or to your customers? Contact us for our range of services and to speak to an expert, see if we have the training or services to take your research to the next level.